Quiz info
General info
When? Every Monday at 7:30 PM.
Where? Auld Dubliner, Clarastrasse 34, 4058 Basel
The quiz is presented via PowerPoint and hosted by a friendly and entertaining quizmaster.
It’s always a lot of fun for everyone involved!
Quiz Night Format
The quiz consists of 5 rounds, each with 10 questions.
After each round, teams exchange their answer sheets, check them, and award the points.
The quizmaster provides the correct answers.
Special rule: Each team can select one round in advance where their points will be doubled.
The 3 teams with the highest scores win fantastic prizes.
Bonus Points:
For teams that bring a mascot.
For teams that reserve a table in advance.
No shouting out answers.
A maximum of 6 people per team.
No cell phones allowed.
The quizmaster’s decision is final.
1st Place: Voucher worth 80 CHF (redeemable on future visits).
2nd Place: A pint of beer for each team member.
3rd Place: A bottle of Prosecco to take home.
Themed Quizzes
On the first Monday of every month, we host a themed quiz.
We’re happy to take your theme suggestions and try to make them happen!
During the summer and Christmas breaks, themed quizzes are also held between the major rounds.
Big Rounds & Ultimate Quiz
What is the Ultimate Quiz?
- Twice a year, we hold an Ultimate Quiz (just before the official Christmas and summer breaks).
- During these big rounds, teams accumulate points over six months.
- The Top 10 teams qualify for the Ultimate Quiz.
If one or more qualifying teams cannot attend, the next-ranked teams (e.g., 11th, 12th, etc.) will get the chance to participate.
When do the big rounds start?
- New big rounds begin after the official summer holidays and after the Christmas holidays.
Grand Prizes at the Ultimate Quiz:
1st Place: Voucher worth 500 CHF.
2nd Place: Voucher worth 250 CHF.
3rd Place: Voucher worth 100 CHF.
Quiz Themes Schedule
Monday’s quiz has general knowledge questions, except the following days:
- 10.02.2025 Valentine’s Day
- 10.03.2025 St. Patricks
- 17.03.2025 No Quiz
- 07.04.2025 Sci – Fi
- 05.05.2025 Sports
- 02.06.2025 Famous People & Celebrities
- 23.06.2025 Ultimate
- 30.06.2025 Pixar
- 07.07.2025 Mythology & Legends
- 14.07.2025 Fantasy Worlds
- 21.07.2025 Scandals
- 28.07.2025 Travel
- 04.08.2025 Video Games
- 01.09.2025 Classic Cartoons
- 06.10.2025 Art & Literature
- 03.11.2025 Halloween
- 01.12.2025 Cult Movies
- 15.12.2025 Ultimate
- 22.12.2025 Christmas Quiz
- 29.12.2025 The 2025 Music Quiz
- 05.01.2026 Sitcoms
Why Participate?
- A fantastic way to have fun and test your knowledge.
- Great prizes and exciting competition with other teams.
- Regular special events and themed nights keep things fresh and exciting.